Classic Gift Bouquet made with real touch artificial roses. Soft and long lasting.
Hand Crafted with heart with lovely wrapping paper.
Can keep over a year.
Major Flowers: 30 stems red roses
Color Tone: Elegant Red with black paper
Size: Approx. 13 Inch across
高貴紅玫瑰花束,採用仿真度極高的絲花。手感柔軟, 可以保存一年以上。
主要花材: 30支 紅玫瑰
主要色調: 高貴紅Size: 大約13寸
Red Rose Silk Flower Bouquet 高貴紅玫瑰絲花花束
Please allow at least 7 days in advance for best quality. For rush / custom orders, you may WhatsApp 9666-9752 to arrange.
為確保最佳品質,請預留 7 個工作天或以上訂購。 如需度身訂造花球 / 急單, 可直接 whatsapp 9666-9752 安排。